Ethers.js — interacting with the Ethereum Blockchain
In this article, I would like to consolidate my understanding of Ethers.js, a commonly used library to interact with the Ethereum Blockchain.
Core components in Ethers.js

There are 3 main components in the Ether.js library:
- Provider — Abstraction for connecting to the Ethereum Network
- Signer/Wallet— Abstraction to authorize transactions (with the help of private keys)
- Contract — Abstraction of a smart contract deployed on the Ethereum Network
Provider vs Signers
If you are only reading data, use a provider. If you need to make transactions, or sign things, use a Signer.
There are 2 kinds of providers a developer could make use of:
- 3rd Party Node Providers (e.g. Alchemy, Infura)
const jsonRpcProvider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider("RPC_LINK")
2. Metamask
— Returns a Web3 provider injected by metamask if metamask is installed in browser
const web3Provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum)
MetaMask requires permission to connect to users accounts
await web3Provider.send('eth_requestAccounts', [])
If account is not locked, no pop-ups will be shown. However, if account is locked:

Signers are generally needed to approve transactions that will modify data on-chain. If the operation is read-only, there is no need for a signer.
- Create wallets from node provider
const wallet = new ethers.Wallet(PRIVATE_KEY, jsonRpcProvider);
* Wallets are signers with private keys
2. Get signer from metamask
const web3signer = web3Provider.getSigner()
Common signer methods:
- getAddress()
- getBalance — usually followed by
- Create abstraction of contract with wallet
const contract = new ethers.Contract(CONTRACT_ADDRESS, contract.abi, wallet);
2. Create abstraction of contract with web3signer
const contract = new ethers.Contract(CONTRACT_ADDRESS, contract.abi, web3signer)
Final Words
In essence, Ethers.js is a convenient tool to connect and interact with the Ethereum network. The wallet
signers are used when Ethers.js knows the private keys directly. In the event it does not know the private keys, Ethers.js will request a signature from metamask (in the form of a pop-up), in order to sign transactions.